Personal Monologue

This past week I’ve spent a lot of time dissecting my life. As I said last week I started acting training last week and this week I’ve been tasked with writing a personal monologue about something in my life that caused a paradigm shift in who I was. I realized two things; my life is full of paradigm shifts and a lot of those things I’m still too close to because I’ve refused to full confront my feelings about them. It’s shocking and eye opening… I’ll have to revisit my feelings on these things eventually.

Anyway, I decided to write about the conversation I had with myself in my late twenties when I had to come to terms with with what I was doing with my life, or lack there of. I had had some successes but it hadn’t really moved me forward and 30 was right around the corner. It was a scary and eye opening conversation, but it had to happen. All filters removed, only the bare truth left. And it really set my life and career back on track.

Mall the gurus and life coaches talk about knowing yourself to truly be successful, and it’s true. The sooner you can come to terms with you, the sooner you can truly take the correct action to move forward. Now move forward, because it’s the only direction worth going!

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